
Skincare- everything you need to know to start doing it


In addition to the daily care that you are now familiar with, it is also important to establish a schedule for periodically cleaning your skin at home.

It’s worth remembering that the break for this procedure may vary according to your skin type. For the oily ones, the process can be once a month. For the other types, it is recommended to perform it once every two months.

Let’s do a step-by-step here too so you can understand it well and make it a part of your skincare routine!

Before starting, let’s just remind you of an important issue: always use products indicated for your skin type. This causes the result to come out as expected.

Step by Step to start your skincare

Step 1: Start by cleaning the skin

To ensure the best possible result of your skin cleansing, you need to remove all impurities. Soaps are great for this, but remember to use specific products for your face and your skin type. You can also use a tool to help you on your cleansing, like the Ultrasonic Facial Cleanser, its ultra-hygienic silicone bristles paired with a deeply enjoyable ultrasonic vibrations gives the skin a gentle but deep exfoliation, which expertly removes 99.5% of dirt and oil from the skin while providing a pro prep for enhanced absorption of your favorite skincare.

At this stage, makeup removers are welcome and important so that makeup that may have remained on the skin is removed. The product is also great for helping to reduce oiliness.

Step 2: It’s time to exfoliate

Before starting the exfoliation of the skin, it is necessary to prepare it and this can be done in two very simple ways. You can use the vapors that come from the warm/hot water during the shower, that is, the steaming process.

Or else it’s worth using the towel process. Just dip a clean towel in hot or lukewarm water and after wetting the fabric, place it on your face and leave it for approximately 10 minutes.

Once that’s done, start exfoliating, which can be done with the help of an exfoliating glove to promote cell renewal and leave the skin looking great. In addition, you can opt for some exfoliating or also a homemade recipe to create your skincare product.

In the latter case, the preparation is simple, just add two measures of brown sugar to one measure of almond oil in a container. Whatever your option, remember that when applying it, just make circular movements.

Step 3: Toning

We’ve already talked here about how much the tonic has important properties for the skin. This is the time to close the pores, but remember that before toning you need to remove all the product used to exfoliate.

With the help of a cotton pad, spread the toner all over your face. Oh! Two important issues: mixed and oily skin should use the Astringent Tonic and dry or more sensitive skin, the Refreshing Tonic.

Step 4: Mask

In this step, it is essential to follow the skin history and understand what is most needed at the moment. It could be nutrition or hydration, for example.

The performance of the mask here is to complement the cleaning and provide the skin with everything it needs.

Step 5: Cooling Gel

We’ve already talked about Refreshing Gel here and its role in soothing the skin. And after the mask, this is the most suitable product for skincare!

Step 6: Skin Treatment

With calm skin, it is worth betting on treatments to solve specific problems of your skin such as oiliness, wrinkles or acne, for example.

Here it is worth remembering that for makeup on mature skin to have a good result, it must always be well treated. This will provide a lush, healthy finish and keep the aged look at bay.

Step 7: Hydrate and protect

Finishing skin cleansing starts with hydration, choose a good moisturizer and apply it all over your face. Then a layer of sunscreen cannot be missing. Use at least a factor 30 filter.

Now that you know more about skincare tips, just put everything into practice and leave your skin healthy and prepared for breathtaking production!

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